06 January 2011

Banefit With Pure Water

The Role of Water in the Body

Water plays a significant role in the functioning of the body and is a common denominator for almost all processes that the body performs. From the basics of hydrating our cells to the complex elimination of toxins, water is a primary necessity.
Water is instrumental in many processes of our organs. Water is necessary for the elimination of substances through the kidneys. In the complex digestive cycle, water is necessary to ensure that the body properly utilizes the function of enzymatic and chemical reactions necessary for proper digestion and metabolism. The colon requires water for increased transit time and proper elimination. In addition to these important processes, water has other very valuable roles, including:
• It is part of the self healing process
• It is necessary for perspiration
• It is used internally to cool the body
• It is a primary component of circulation
• It creates a protective cushion for the joints
• It maintains body temperature
• It dissolves minerals necessary to be assimilated for proper use by the body
• It keeps the respiratory system moist and functioning

The Benefits of Water

Water. This clean, clear, nourishing element has vital functions in our body processes. It is not hard to imagine that it would also have a role in assisting the healing and prevention of many problems that occur in the body. From the simple standpoint that approximately 60% of the body's water is in the cells, it stands to reason that if there is a breakdown, lack of water may be a contributing factor. The benefits of water could fill a book. Review the following and see if any seem familiar:
• Prevents constipation
• Instrumental in the treatment of arthritis, obesity, arteriosclerosis, and kidney disorders
• Benefits bowel and bladder disorders
• May dissipate chronic headaches
• May help alleviate anxiety
• Instrumental in slowing down aging
• Helps to prevent food intolerances
• Keeps skin soft and supple
• Neutralizes acidity and heartburn
• Is an ally in relieving and preventing muscle pain
• Can reduce colitis pain
• Helps to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease

How much do we need?

The amount of water that we need is not an exact science. Factors such as how much protein is ingested and amount of exercise can increase and decrease the amount of water needed. Research has come up with some simple approximations based on the average amount ingested and eliminated.

Based on a normal 24 hours day of good health, our body loses approximately 2.8 quarts of water. This is easily broken down into body processes. We lose approximately 1.5 quarts from urine, 25.4 ounces through the skin, 13.5 ounces from breathing, and 5.1 ounces from elimination. The total approximate elimination is 2.8 quarts per day.
The body makes approximately 10 ounces from normal metabolism and we ingest approximately one quart from food. This leaves a deficit that is used to determine the minimum and maximum needs. Six 8 ounce servings represents the minimum that we need if we are eliminating properly and are ingesting water filled foods such as fruits and vegetables. Eight 8 ounces servings represent the maximum our body can use in a 24-hour period without increasing the risk of electrolyte imbalance. Here are a few variations to consider:
• Increase the amount in warm, humid weather, with heightened activity, during recovery from illness, with a high fat diet, with a high protein diet, with low calorie or restricted diets, with high fiber diets, and with high caffeine and alcohol consumption.
• Decrease the need with a high fruit and vegetable diet.

Worms In Stomach

Intestinal worms filled

Sunday Jilbab 8 - ABDULLATIB Shanika August 2010

Appeal against intestinal parasitic infections, but not seriously than even a few decades treaties, it goes to a public health problem.
According to experts of Parasitology and Community Health, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (PPUKM), Assoc. Datin Dr Norhayati Moktar, worm attacks, such as roundworms and pinworms still exists.
Strictly speaking, not only children but also adults attack, especially among people living in slums and villages of the indigenous population, the problems of drainage and sewerage and drinking water.
After Norhayati, the problem to the severe anemia and severe heart failure not treated.
"With this particular worm in the body, reduces appetite, impaired digestion and absorption of food, the nutrients lost through diarrhea and vomiting, and metabolic disorders.
The problem of worm infections, but is not limited to a worm. Other parasitic infections are roundworms and whipworms.
ALSO miner is small, may on its ability to affect human health can not be taken lightly.
"Miner, for example, the shortage of blood causes the most common because they suck blood from the intestine.
Thus, the chronic problem of lack of blood can be growth and learning can lead to an even more severe disruption of heart failure, "he said.
World Health Organization (WHO) revealed, ring worm infections (Ascaris lumbricoides) is the most common infection, which includes 1.22 billion whip worm (triciuris trichiura) 795 million euros, while the pinworm (amcylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma ceylanicum) 740000000 infection.
Of this amount, 400 million cases of children with growth problems, lack of vigorous physical activity, unhealthy thoughts and learning difficulties.
Attacks of this worm in the intestine is also a major cause of acute abdominal pain in children in endemic areas in tropical countries.
"The study found the nutritional status of children aged 1-7 years that iron intake is low, and it refers to parasites," said Date.
In addition, the worm spreads by word of ascariasis and trichuriasis, occurs not only among children but also school pinworms is common in adults.
"It is also closely linked to the problem of night blindness related if the children had intestinal parasites," the note added.
Norhayati said pinworm larvae can also penetrate the skin and into the bloodstream and then into the intestine and continue the same life.
"It is time to change the perception that the worm is a small problem.
"Without prevention and hygiene, worms can cause fatal intestinal obstruction, if a problem occurs and is not treated immediately, he added.



One-Touch Sensor 


Back to Basic 


For Entire Family 


Slim & Compact 


Big Capacity 


Petite yet Powerful 


Anti-Virus Filter 


Oriental Medical Herb 


RBD Plasma 


Petite yet Powerful 

Digital Bidet

Air+Water Stream 

Digital Bidet (06)

Air+Water Stream 

Manual Bidet

Powerless Bidet 

01 January 2011

COWAY a brand you can trust !

Woongjin Coway in Malaysia
Woongjin Coway was introduced to the Malaysian market in 2006. With the tagline “We Bring Wellness”, Coway positions itself as the brand that cares for your health and the environment, providing 100% eco-friendly home appliances for your well-being. To date, there are more than 40,000 customers in Malaysia and the number is rapidly growing.

The Company of Woonjin Coway

Woongjin Coway is the top consumer and household electronics company in Korea. Since it establishment in 1989, we have taken the lead in expanding and advancing the market.Having won recognition for its products and service quality both at home and abroad, Woongjin Coway started to diversity its product portfolio in the mid-1990s to become a household electronics company in real sense.

The company has extended its product lineup from water filtration appliances to air purifiers, bidets, water softeners and food waste disposers, which improve the quality of our customers' lives and preserve the environment.

In the time since its establishment, Woongjin Coway has consistently grown while maintaining transparency an ethics management principles. In 1998, we introduced a rental business model for the first time in the industry and provide before sales service by service representative call "Cody". As a result, Woongjin Coway has topped the Gallup polls recent years in terms of market share, customer satisfaction and brand awareness.Since mid-2000s, the company has actively made forays into the global market to become a leading global household electronics company, while strengthening our domestic position.

As present, we operate five overseas subsidiaries which is Malaysia was one of it, one branch and a logistics center in Netherlands, and continue to increase exports and build a strong foundation for sustainable growth. In particular, from 2009, we have bolstered our position as a sustainable company by focusing on green management, thereby implementing customer value management and contributing to the sustainable development of humankind. 

Water Filter